Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A Week (and a bit) with Jay: Part 2

Well every day with Jay we learn more and we love seeing her learning and growing every day!

She is such a sweety-pie and we spend time giggling at her antics! Like today! She didn't want to go into the rain!... until I put her rain jacket on! Then she walked out into the rain with no problem! But then she hit another obstacle! The wet grass on her feet and legs! She didn't really want to walk on the grass, but once she saw ma walking around on it she walked around a bit on it, but then either went into cover under the trees or the pavement beside the garage! She didn't want to stand in the rain more than necessary! It was very adorable :D

That all changed though once I picked up a tennis ball! Then you could tell she still wasn't thrilled about the rain, but she wanted that ball too much to care!

I managed to snap a couple adorable pictures of her in her jacket!

What made the fact that she didn't like rain funny was that it turns out she LOVES water!

We have a small pond in our back yard and I went into the house for a minute and as I was about to walk into the yard I caught this on film!!!

And even after coming out she went back in a couple times! We are hoping to take her swimming when the weather gets better!

So far her favourite toys are a rubber tire with a rope attached and a rubber kong in the shape of the squirrel! She does like stuffies but she prefers to chew on the rubber toys, so Kongs are great options for her :)

We gave her a bath after her first couple day's at our house so that she could relax with us first, and she was very interested in the tub and the water - but NOT the removable shower head! She looked at it like it was a huge snake and didn't want to get near it! But after her bath she was VERY white! In the sun we can't look at her directly because she was so bright! (You can probably get an idea from the pictures above!)

Me and Jay after a walk

She is doing better everyday on the walk! She loves investigating smells!

She is able to be left alone for a few hours and she is housebroken.

She loves being physically and mentally challenged! And she loves learning new things and is really enjoying clicker training! She can "Sit", and "Down" and is currently learning "Paw" and "Stay" :)
She would be great and would love Agility Training or any dog sport! She already has done some basic agility work as I have an agility jump in the yard. I set it on the lowest setting as she is still young, but I just show her the tennis ball and tell her "Hup!" and move it over the jump and without even a blink she was over and waiting for the ball again!
I am thinking of target training next!

She is such a total sweetheart I know she will find a family that is right for her and that she is right for :)

Will post more soon!


  1. What a great update and good pics! Jaycee is such a sweet looking dog.

  2. Thanks for the great posts and for the video and info on Jaycee; she's lovely! I thought that your comments on her walking on the grass were priceless! Thanks for fostering.

  3. Your foster pups are so lucky to be with you ... and Jaycee is a cutie!
