Monday, June 4, 2012

First day at Daycare!

As proud as any foster mama I saw my foster Jaycee off to her first day of Daycare (In burnaby). I know she's been to daycares up north, but it still gave a little tug at my heartstrings to see her walk into the daycare and off to play with the other dogs!

She is such a fabulous dog and they already love her there and she hasn't even been there a full hour!

They agreed to take some video footage for me so hopefully I get that soon so I can post it for her possible future family to see!  We are still looking for that special family for this amazing girl! She will melt your heart!

I took her for a short run this morning before daycare it fulfilled a double purpose: lowering her energy for daycare, and making Jay happy! Because she loves jogging :) She keeps a decent pace just beside or behind you. If she ever does get a little ahead she will keep looking back at you to make sure she doesn't get in your way! :) What a sweety ;)

I am planning on getting some cheap roller blades and see how she does with them! (I'm on the roller blades not her ;P)
That way she can run a little faster if she likes and I can keep up. (My cardio stamina isn't what it used to be!) Though she is usually content to just keep a brisk jog beside you. And she is very good at slowing down when you do! I just give her a quiet whoa and she goes back to a walk. Now I hardly even have to actually say it as she is watching me and knows when I slow down.

I will post on here when I get more info on her day at daycare!

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